Thursday, November 29, 2018

Gaylord Palms - A Christmas Story

We took Mom to experience Ice 2018, "A Christmas Story" at the Gaylord Palms Hotel.  The Ice is controlled within a 9-degree winter wonderland.   They provide you with a full-length parka to keep you somewhat warm during your visit. Kathy and Mom brought a scarf, gloves, and earmuffs. 

A Christmas Story is set in the 1940s. Ralphie's dad drove a 1937 Oldsmobile Six.  The ice, 36 truckloads start to arrive in September from Ohio.  The Ice sculptors start preparing the ice for each of the exhibits. 

The car is licensed in Holmon, Indiana where the movie takes place.  

Meticulous records are kept each year to create the exact colors needed for the displays.   

More than two million pounds of ice is used to create all the displays.

The ultimate triple dog dare you at the school's flagpole. 

The Old Man's major award, the lamp with the leg and stocking. 

To give you an idea of the size and scope of the attraction, it boasts 1,500 fluorescent tubing lights frozen within three different types of ice: clear glass-like crystal ice; white snow-pack-like ice, and colored ice.

During your walking tour, you are literally surrounded by ice sculptures depicting characters and scenes from the holiday season crafted into a series of themed areas.

The shaped, cut, illuminated, and often colored ice takes over a large portion of the resort's convention center.

Ralphie still looking for the BB gun under the Christmas tree. 

 An ice tunnel, decorated with a reef along the route.  

This winter-season event features literally tons of ice sculptures that have been hand-carved by artists from Harbin, China.

Chop Suey Palace where dinner was finally served.  

Next to me in the blackness, lay my oiled blue steel beauty. The greatest Christmas gift I had ever received or ever would receive. Gradually I drifted off to sleep, pranging ducks on the wing and getting off spectacular hip shots.  

The ICE! experience concludes with a separate area dedicated to a traditional Nativity created with crystal clear ice.

Mom and Kathy, a little-chilled praying to an ice angel for some warmer weather. 

All bundled up and ready for the ready for the walkthrough!

Here’s is a video of the entire walkthrough of ice! 2018. Enjoy a virtual tour with nearly no one in the building at the time!

Pulling up Anchor at Acadia National Park

 I thought it would be nice to add a few facts about Acadia National in each of the photos below. We decided that our last trip here at Acad...